One outcome I would like to have in (next year): keep writing series.
That is important to me because: I like crafting a solid thing with excellent advice from my Van Writers peeps, especially M and L.
Ask yourself at least 3 more times why it is important to you.
That is important to me because:
- it feels good to craft a solid scene.
- it feels good to craft a bigger piece made up of solid scenes that flow one to the other.
- I love feeling like a real, serious, important writer.
Speculation: take the last answer you arrived at and look from there. If it were fulfilled, what would your work and/or life look like at the end of the year? If you got what you wrote, and got it fully, what would be there at the end of the year that is not there now?
I’d get up and write for several hours a day: three or even four. I wouldn’t dread it because I’d be confident and Teflon to criticism, except from people I admire like M and L.
I’d feel whole, solid, important (but not vain) and I’d know that I was influencing and guiding people, modelling hard work but also fun hard work, trust in people worth trusting (other hard working people), finding a tribe and working with what you have to make a positive life.
I’d feel heard, loved and I’d feel worthy of being heard and loved.
Allow yourself to speculate and make note of several outcomes (try to list at least 10). The more specific they are, the better. And, don’t try to settle on one at this point.
- Something magic would happen, like what happened when I invested in tech.
- I WOULD become a serious, admired writer.
- I’d help people whose voices I wanted to amplify, amplify.
- X and Y would trust me to help Z and A, and them.
- I could help someone I know write/design video games.
- I could help another do the same thing, or or whatever they would like to do.
- K, E, J, Q and M would design dresses, make videos, help market me.
- Q would write some stuff. E would design some stuff and help make videos.
- I’d start to make a lot of money as a writer; ie. Something magic would happen.
- I could be myself and people would love me.
One, two or three outcomes from the above list that most represent the fulfillment of what is important to me:
- A worry-free living; ie. Enough to never have to write again if I chose, from writing.
- X would come into his own and be stable and centred.
- People close to me would be free to pursue their dreams.
This step adds the greatest amount of empowerment to this process. Get out your calendar and schedule times to do those things that will result in your achieving the outcome you selected. At this time you may not know all that needs to be done. However, if you have time scheduled, you can reflect and determine what actions are appropriate at that time.
3 hrs/day, aka 21 hrs/week of writing.